Author: 공과대학 교학팀

Application of composite materials in shipbuilding and marine structures

Application of composite materials in shipbuilding and marine structures At MEPC 80(Maritime Environment Protection Committee), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) decided to increase the target to reduce carbon emissions for transportation ships from 50% to 100% and since then, various discussions have been taking place on reducing the weight...

Journey to find valuables from nasty gas through biocatalysis

The detrimental effects of the immense amount of carbon dioxide originating from fossil fuels have progressed beyond mere climate change to a global climate crisis. To address this problem, efforts to achieve what is colloquially known as "carbon neutrality"—aiming to suppress the net increase in...

Introduction on convergence design laboratory and defense industry in Changwon

LIDAR(Laboratory on Integrated Design And Robotics) Prof. Jong-kyu, Park Abstract: Changwon National University is at the forefront of research dedicated to advancing the defense industry in Changwon. The Advanced Defense Engineering Graduate School and the Materials and Components Research Lab plays a pivotal role through various support...

Programmed Design of Responsive Nanostructured Polymer Colloids

Microscale colloids have emerged as a versatile platform for sensing applications, with the ability to be manipulated by various chemical and physical phenomena. The soft boundaries of colloids make them well-suited for exploiting self-assembling polymers, which can lead to synergistic effects. In this talk, I...

2D Nanomaterials as Emerging Solid-State Tribology Materials

Tribology is defined as the science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion, which can cover friction, wear and lubrication. Tribology has become an interdisciplinary area which includes materials, chemistry, physics, mechanics and even biology. The phenomena of tribology should be inevitably understood and controlled in any situation...

High Performance Organic Thermoelectric Materials and Devices

Organic semiconductors have gained significant attention as potential thermoelectric materials due to their inherently low thermal conductivity and the potential for low-cost production through low-temperature processing methods. In the field of organic thermoelectrics (OTEs), substantial progress has been made in both material development and device...