Author: 공과대학 교학팀
Chemical Recycling of Plastics
A new high-order method for incompressible turbulent flow simulation
A new high-order projection method for simulating incompressible turbulent flows is presented based on weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes. By the combination of successively higher orders of WENO and CD schemes, the desired order of accuracy (up to seventh order) was achieved without appreciable extra...
Optical structure engineering of thin films for photonic applications
Title Optical structure engineering of thin films for photonic applications Abstract Flow of light waves propagating inside an optical medium is affected by the light-induced polarizability and interfacial dipolar response of materials. In addition, since the light is electromagnetic waves of which governing equations are generally reducible to...
Design and exploration of advanced materials for lithium-ion batteries and beyond
Design and exploration of advanced materials for lithium-ion batteries and beyond Kisuk KANG Professor College of Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea Abstract High-performance and cost-effective rechargeable batteries are key to the success of electric vehicles and large-scale energy storage systems. Extensive research has thus focused on the development of new high-energy electrodes that can store more lithium at faster rates with stable cycle performance. However, the current status of lithium batteries still remains far below the demands required for the proposed applications. In this presentation, I introduce our approaches to address this issue, which include the discovery of new energy storage mechanism in the electrode for lithium ion batteries, bio-mimetic batteries and some developments made in the field of post lithium ion batteries in our group....
안전규제 심,검사 제도 및 주요 현황
Enhancement of cyclone separators for various applications
에어로졸은 기체 중에 떠 있는 고체 또는 액체의 입자상 물질(particulate matter; PM)을 말한다. 우리가 호흡하는 공기 중에는 수십 μm 이하 크기의 입자상 물질이 부유해 있으므로, 공기는 우리가 일상생활에서 가장 흔히 접할 수 있는 에어로졸의 한 예이다. 공기 중에 떠 있는 10 μm보다 크기가 작은 입자상...
Weighted Mobility Ratio Engineering for High-Performance Bi-Te-Based Thermoelectric Materials
Band engineering is an effective strategy to improve the electronic transport properties of semiconductors. In thermoelectric materials research, density-of-states effective mass is an undoubted key factor in verifying the band engineering effect and establishing a strategy for enhancing thermoelectric performance. However, estimation of the effective...