Flat-surface-assisted physical phenomena occurring in ultra-flat copper thin film
2023.01.19- 날짜
- 2022-11-15 16:00:00
- 학과
- 에너지화학공학과
- 장소
- 104-E206
- 연사
- 정세영 교수(부산대)
Flat-surface-assisted physical phenomena occurring in ultra-flat copper thin film
Se-Young Jeong
Dept. of Optics and mechatronics, Pusan National University
The physical properties including electronic transport of perfect metal thin films have never been clearly unveiled, because unlike foils, the crystallinity of film relies strongly on the underlying substrate lattices. and thus the formation of twin boundary (TB) and grain boundary (GB) is inevitable. The formation of TB in bulk crystal depends on prototypic phase of the material and phase transition, while the formation of TB in thin film crystal is attributed to the lattice mismatich with substrate[1]. We develop an innovative strategy for fabricating copper thin films without GBs. Atomic sputter epitaxy (ASE) enables to deposit the thin films by single atoms and ASE-grown thin film consists mostly of flat surfaces and occasional mono-atomic steps[2]. A mono-atomic step edge is as impervious as a flat surface to oxygen and the ultra-flat surface is appropriate for the growth of 2D materials such as grahphene[3, 4]. They also provide the abrupt oxide layer controlled like vector-quantity, when oxidized intentionally at a high-temperature[5].
In this talk, the oxidation physics and flat-sruface-assisted phenomena, which have not been reported, are mostly introduced. The giant oxidation resistance, colossal oxidation resistance and hole carrier dominant transport are the manin topics.
[1] B.-G. Jung, M. Cheon, S. J. Kim, A. Gliserin, S. H. Chew, C. R. Cho, S.-G. Kim, Y. H. Lee, S. Kim*, Se-Young Jeong*, Wafer-scale high-quality Ag thin film using a ZnO buffer layer for plasmonic applications, Applied Surface Science 512 145705, (2020).
[2] S. J. Kim, Y. I. Kim, B. L. Y.-H. Kim, Y. Lee, C. R. Cho, M. Cheon, J.C. Kim, H. Y. Jeong, T. Ha, J. Kim, Y. H.Lee, Seong-Gon Kim*, Young-Min Kim* & Se-Young Jeong*, Flat-surface-assisted and self-regulated oxidation resistance of Cu(111), Nature 603, 434-438, (2022).
[3] VL Nguyen, D. L. Duong, S. H. Lee, J. A., G. Han, Y.-M. Kim, M. C. Asensio*, Se-Young Jeong * and Young Hee Lee*, Layer-controlled single-crystal graphene film with stacking order via Cu-Si alloy formation, , Nature Nanotech. 15, 861-867, (2020).
[4] V. L. Nguyen, D. J. Perello, S. Lee, C. T. Nai, B. G. Shin, J.-G. Kim, H. Y. Park, H. Y. Jeong, J. Zhao, Q. A. Vu, S. H. Lee, K. P. Loh, Se-Young Jeong,* and Young Hee Lee* Wafer-scale single-crystalline AB-stacked bilayer graphene, Adv. Mat. 201601760, (2016).
[5] S. J. Kim, S. Kim, J. Lee, Y. Jo, Y.-S. Seo, M. Lee, Y. Lee, C. R. Cho, J.-P. Kim, M. Cheon, J. Hwang, Y. I. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, Y.-M. Kim, A. Soon, M. Choi, Woo Seok Choi*, Se-Young Jeong* and Young Hee Lee*, Color of Copper/Copper oxide, Adv. Mat. 202007345, (2021).