안티드론 시스템: 영상기반 중장거리 미소객체 인식 기술 중심
2023.05.04- 날짜
- 2023-05-08 16:30:00
- 학과
- 기계공학과
- 장소
- 110-N103
- 연사
- 조성욱 교수(청주대)
Recently, the frequency of illegal drones around important naonal facilies, airports, and nuclear power plants is increasing
due to the commercial spread of drones and the spread of bobby drones, So visualbased drone detecon technology is in the spotlight.
In this talk, we will discuss concepts for long-range small drone detecon and tracking in this talk,
as well as how we implemented them in PX4-SITL simulaon based on ROS/OpenCV library.
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