

Introduction on convergence design laboratory and defense industry in Changwon

2023-11-30 16:00:00
박종규 교수(창원대)

LIDAR(Laboratory on Integrated Design And Robotics)

Prof. Jong-kyu, Park

Abstract: Changwon National University is at the forefront of research dedicated to advancing the defense industry in Changwon. The Advanced Defense Engineering Graduate School and the Materials and Components Research Lab plays a pivotal role through various support program including education, research, and equipment. Among the recent research initiatives, two projects stand out. First, there is significant progress in the development of autonomous algorithms for multi-unmanned systems. This research focuses on integrating various unmanned vehicles to collaboratively execute missions, while also ensuring their individual operational capabilities. Secondly, the university is conducting research on the localization of Slewing bearings for Light Armed Helicopters (LAH). This study primarily examines the structural stability of helicopter-mounted armaments, especially under extreme operational conditions. In addition to these projects, a multitude of diverse research efforts are underway, with unwavering support for local enterprises. Through these endeavors, Changwon University is committed to significantly contributing to the growth and development of Changwon’s defense industry in the foreseeable future.