

Accelerated Materials Developments using Machine Learning

2023-10-10 16:00:00
정유성 교수 (서울대학교)

Discovery of new molecules and materials with desired properties is a practical goal of chemical research. A promising way to significantly accelerate the latter process is to incorporate all available knowledge and data to plan the synthesis of the next materials. In this talk, I will present several directions to use informatics and machine learning to efficiently explore chemical space [1]. I will first describe methods of machine learning for fast and reliable predictions of materials and molecular properties[2-3]. With these tools in place for property evaluation, I will then present a few generative frameworks that we have recently developed to allow the inverse design of molecules and materials with optimal target properties, either in the compositional space or structural space[4-5]. One general challenge in digital discovery is that many of the molecules and materials that are computationally designed are often discarded in the laboratories since they are not synthesizable. I will thus lastly spend some time to talk about the synthesizability of molecules and materials, either by predicting the synthesis pathways (retrosynthesis) or chemical reactivity[6-9]. Several challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for further developments of accelerated chemical platform will be discussed.