

Applications of CFD in designing engineering objects

2023-05-24 16:00:00
오세혁 교수(항공대)

When shape optimization of engineering objects is conducted in the aerodynamic prospective, it is necessary to examine objects’ performance at various designs.

One of the most widely used shape design methods in this purpose is to parameterize the given shape (frequently called the baseline design or baselinemodel) by using representative variables relating to the configuration, such as length, width, or angle of the baseline model.

However, this shape parameterization is so simple that it cannot be used to explore a wide range of designs in the shape optimization process.

Instead, representing the shape of the baseline model based on B-spline curves and non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) and searching for the optimal shape by using the control points of these entities is a better method but it still has its own difficulties.

In this seminar, a new shape design method called design-by-morphing that allowing usto explore various shapes with only a few parameters will be introduced.

In addition, various applications of computational fluid dynamic in evaluating and improving engineering object’s will be handled in the seminar.