

날짜 학과 제목 첨부
2023-10 24
에너지화학공학과 Selective Deconstruction of Polyolefin Waste to Hydrocarbons
16:00 104-E206 Yuriy Roman (MIT)
2023-10 24
원자력공학과 기후변화에 따른 에너지 지형변화, 그리고 양수발전
16:00 110-N101 Director Kim, Young-Seung
2023-10 12
신소재공학과 Understanding dislocation dynamics through transmission electron microscopy
16:00 104-E206 Prof. Sung Dae Kim(Pukyong National University)
2023-10 12
기계공학과 Development of NURI launch vehicle and cryogenics
16:00 110-N105 Ph.D Seungwhan Baek(KARI)
2023-10 10
에너지화학공학과 Accelerated Materials Developments using Machine Learning
16:00 104-E206 정유성 교수 (서울대학교)
2023-10 10
원자력공학과 Application of Cognitive Engineering to Nuclear Power Plan Systems
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Yochan Kim(KAERI)
2023-10 05
지구환경도시건설공학과 Development of functional construction materials incorporating numerical techniques
16:00 Bldg.110 Rm.N101 Sang-Yeop Chung (Associate professor from Yonsei Univ.)
2023-10 05
기계공학과 Nanoscale transport phenomena driven by solute or temperature difference
16:00 110-N105 Prof. Choongyeop Lee(Kyung Hee Univ.)
2023-10 05
신소재공학과 Contact and doping engineering for 2D materials based devices
16:00 104-E206 Prof. Min Sup Choi(Chungnam National University)
2023-10 04
탄소중립대학원 Semiconductor Architectures: Nano-Scale Solutions for Macro-Scale Carbon Challenges
16:00 ZOOM Webinar Prashant V. Kamat (University of Notre Dame)
2023-09 26
에너지화학공학과 Interfacial engineering for advanced electrochemical devices
16:00 104-E206 김희탁 교수(KAIST)
2023-09 26
원자력공학과 원자력발전소 디지털 계측제어시스템
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Seo-ryong Koo(KAERI)
2023-09 21
신소재공학과 Introduction to evaluation technology development for design and manufacture of liquid hydrogen storage vessels
16:00 104-E206 Dr. Seung Gun Lee(KIMS)
2023-09 21
지구환경도시건설공학과 What are the Causes of Local City Crisis in Korea? An Inside View
10:00 Bldg.110 Rm.901 Prof. Juil Kim (Handong Global Univ.)
2023-09 21
탄소중립대학원 Interface Engineering for Improving Operational Stability of Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
16:00 ZOOM Webinar Kai Zhu (NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory))