

날짜 학과 제목 첨부
2023-09 21
기계공학과 다중 이동방식이 가능한 로봇
16:00 110-N105 Prof. Kyunam Kim(Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
2023-09 19
원자력공학과 Advantages of mathematical models of thermal hydraulics: two cases
16:00 110-N101 Prof. Jae Jun Jeong(Pusan National Univ.)
2023-09 14
신소재공학과 Introduction to Spintronics
16:00 104-E206 Dr. Kyoung Whan Kim(KIST)
2023-09 14
기계공학과 Open-source autonomous driving software and its research challenges
16:00 110-N105 Prof. Kanghee Kim(Soongsil University)
2023-09 14
지구환경도시건설공학과 Does Upzoning Lead to Gentrificaiton and Displacement? Evidence from New York City
16:00 Online Prof. Hyojung Lee
2023-09 14
탄소중립대학원 Beyond Biogas for Upcycling wastes and residues in a Bioeconomy Approach
16:00 ZOOM Webinar Irini Angelidaki (Technical University of Denmark)
2023-09 12
에너지화학공학과 Design Strategies for Organic Semiconducting Materials for Various Organic Electronics
16:00 104-E206 김윤희 교수(경상대)
2023-09 12
원자력공학과 Radiation, radioactivity, and radiological impact of Fukushima accident and its treated water
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Sungyeop Kim(KAERI)
2023-09 07
지구환경도시건설공학과 Contruction technology in the ocean
16:00 Bldg.110 Rm.N101 Dr. Jun Kil Park (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
2023-09 07
기계공학과 Detection technology of airborne bioagents for health and environment
16:00 110-N105 Prof. Jaehee Jung(Sejong University)
2023-09 07
신소재공학과 Quantum dot LEDs for interactive display applications
16:00 104-E206 Prof. Dong Chan Kim(Gachon University)
2023-09 05
에너지화학공학과 Duality of interphases in batteries and catalysts revealed by cryo-EM
16:00 104-E206 Prof. Yuzhang Li
2023-09 05
원자력공학과 LILW Management Status and Current Issue
16:00 110-N101 Director Sung Bok Lee(KORAD)
2023-07 17
원자력공학과 원자력공학과 특별세미나: 후쿠시마 방류 바로알기
19:00 Online(ZOOM ID: 461 268 7054) 박재영 교수님
2023-06 08
탄소중립대학원 Indoor Organic Photovoltaics: Optimal Cell Design Principles with Synergistic Parasitic Resistance Effect
16:00 104-E101 심재원 교수 (고려대학교)