

날짜 학과 제목 첨부
2023-03 09
신소재공학과 Dynamic assembly of conducting nanomaterials in polymer
16:00 104-E206 Prof. Jiheong Kang (KAIST)
2023-03 08
기계공학과 Geometrically Designed 3D Nanostructure for High Performance MEMS Devices
16:00 110-N103 서민호 교수(부산대)
2023-03 07
에너지화학공학과 Quantum dots for mechanoluminescent and optoelectronic applications
16:00 104-E206 최효성 교수(한양대)
2023-03 07
원자력공학과 Analysis on the H-3 Production Capability of the DPRK and its threat
16:00 Online (ZOOM ID: 716 400 9084) Dr. Woo, Seung Min
2023-03 02
도시환경공학과 New way for Quality Air
16:00 Bldg.110 Rm.N101 Han, Jong-In (Professor, KAIST)
기계공학과 2023학년도 1학기 기계공학과 세미나 전체 일정
2023-02 28
에너지화학공학과 Lab Safety
16:00 104-E206 윤성욱 안전관리팀장
2023-02 28
원자력공학과 2023학년도 1학기 원자력공학과 세미나 전체 일정
16:00 110-N101
2022-12 08
기계공학과 Mechanism Design and Control for Small to Mid-sized Robotic Systems: from Robotic hands to Surgical Devices
16:00 110-N105 정석환 교수(서강대)
2022-12 08
신소재공학과 Beyond Li-Ion Batteries: Understanding Electrochemical Reactions via Operando Imaging
16:00 104-E206 Prof. Seung-Ho Yu (Korea University)
2022-12 08
탄소중립대학원 Resource Recovery from Water and Wastes: Grand Challenges and Opportunities for Circular Economy and Carbon Neutrality
11:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Prof. Soryong Ryan Chae (University of Cincinnati)
2022-12 01
기계공학과 Nature-Inspired Nanotechnology and Sustainability
16:00 110-N105 임현의 박사(기계연구원)
2022-12 01
탄소중립대학원 UK’s Netzero Strategy
11:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Dr. Cindy Kim (British Embassy Seoul)
2022-11 24
탄소중립대학원 Carbon Mineralization and Metal and REE Recovery
11:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Prof. Ah-Hyung Alissa Park (Columbia University)
2022-11 24
신소재공학과 Advanced Microfabrication of Bio-Inspired 3D Structures and Their Applications
16:00 104-E206 윤현식 교수 (서울과기대)