

날짜 학과 제목 첨부
2022-11 24
기계공학과 Target Tracking in Autonomous Ground Vehicle
18:00 Online(Zoom) 김도형 박사(GM)
2022-11 22
에너지화학공학과 Solar photo(electro)catalysis as a carbon-neutral technolgy for sustainable environment
16:00 104-E206 최원용 교수(KENTECH)
2022-11 17
탄소중립대학원 Direct Air Capture (DAC) of CO2: Chemical Engineering’s Contribution to a Societal Grand Challenge
11:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Prof. Christopher W. Jones (Georgia Institute of Technology)
2022-11 17
기계공학과 Multiscale topology optimization using machine learning techniques
18:00 Online(Zoom) 이재욱 교수(GIST)
2022-11 15
에너지화학공학과 Flat-surface-assisted physical phenomena occurring in ultra-flat copper thin film
16:00 104-E206 정세영 교수(부산대)
2022-11 15
원자력공학과 Development of techniques for precision dosimetry based on national measurement standard for the realization of Flash RT
16:00 110-N101 박종인 박사님(한국표준과학연구원)
2022-11 10
탄소중립대학원 Synthesis of Clean Hydrogen Fuel via Solar Water Splitting Cells
16:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Prof. David Tilley (University of Zurich)
2022-11 08
기계공학과 지속가능한 IoT를 위한 자율전원 기술
16:00 Online(Zoom) 윤헌준 교수(숭실대)
2022-11 08
에너지화학공학과 Light Absorption and Emission in Molecular Solids
16:00 104-E206 Prof. Soo Young Park
2022-11 08
원자력공학과 Management of Tritium Contaminated Water and Environment
16:00 Online (ZOOM ID: 716 400 9084) 박찬우 박사님(한국원자력연구원)
2022-11 04
기계공학과 Nanomaterial based soft mechatronics
10:00 Online(Zoom) 오일권 교수(KAIST)
2022-11 03
신소재공학과 Nanoscale Interfacial Engineering for High Performance Light Emitting Devices and Solar Fuel Generation
16:00 104-E206 이종람 교수 (POSTECH)
2022-11 01
에너지화학공학과 Microfluidic Flow Reactors as New Synthetic Chemical Tools
16:00 104-E206 김동표 교수(POSTECH)
2022-11 01
원자력공학과 Status on the PIE facilities and path-forward
16:00 110-N101 Lee, Hyo Jik(한국원자력연구원)
2022-10 27
기계공학과 Drop impact on superhydrophobic surfaces: fundamentals and applications
16:00 Online(Zoom) 이충엽 교수(경희대)