

The future of mobility materials

2023-05-31 16:00:00
성효경 교수(국민대)

With the recent emergence of future mobility developments such as Urban Air Mobility (UAM), there has been an increasing interest in the development of materials suitable for these advancements. What might the specific requirements be for materials used in future mobility?

Firstly, lightweight materials will be essential for improving fuel efficiency and travel distance. There are ongoing efforts to utilize lightweight materials like composites, magnesium, aluminum, and titanium, with parallel research being conducted to strengthen steel alloys.

In addition, given that operating environments could expand to include the sea and space, materials with excellent high-temperature and low-temperature characteristics, as well as corrosion resistance, will be required.

Materials will also need superior fatigue properties to withstand cyclic loads and prolong their lifespan. Thus, the characteristics of future materials will not just rely on a few excellent properties; multifunctionality will be key.

In this talk, I aim to explore various materials for future mobility and propose the direction that the development of these materials should take in the future.