Author: 공과대학 교학팀

Introducing Molten Salt Reactor

This seminar explores the engineering innovations and future potential of Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs), a promising Generation IV nuclear technology that offers numerous improvements over traditional reactors. MSRs utilize a fluid state mixtures of nuclear fuel dissolved in molten salts, which functions as both coolant...

Challenge for change : Organic materials for next-generation batteries

The development of battery technology plays a crucial role in advancing electric vehicles and energy storage systems. With Korea's declining global battery market share, there's an urgent need for researchers to strengthen future market competitiveness. In a landscape where China dominates the entire cycle, from...

A New Era of Aviation: Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) and Noise Issue

The demand for a novel transportation system featuring vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities, low-noise performance, and environmentally friendly power sources, commonly referred to as advanced air mobility (AAM), has experienced a significant surge, particularly for public purposes such as deliveries and medical emergency service....

Catalytic Conversion of Polyolefins to Fuels, Lubricants, and Olefins

This talk will provide an overview of the different approaches for converting polyolefins to various products, including fuels, lubricants, and small olefins, and mechanistic insights into methane formation pathways and ways to minimize its formation. It will discuss the need for earth abundant catalysis and...