Author: 공과대학 교학팀

Quantum Computing and Cryogenics

Most sub-Kelvin refrigerators have been developed to meet the rigorous demands of scientific inquiry. These advanced cooling devices include sorption-based evaporation cooler, Helium3-Helium4 dilution refrigerators, and adiabatic demagnetization refrigerators (ADRs), each of which utilizes fundamental principles such as evaporation cooling, phase separation, and the magnetocaloric...

Evolution of Zn anode studies and progresses

Conversion-based cathodes, particularly those utilizing halogen materials such as iodine (I), bromine (Br), and chlorine (Cl), have shown significant promise for high-energy and high-power energy storage applications. This presentation will explore recent advancements in the development of these cathodes, highlighting innovative approaches to enhance their...

Multielement Nanoparticle Tectonics Toward Efficient Electrochemical Catalysts

I believe that a vast structural library of nanoparticles can be prepared by re-conceptualizing multicomponent nanoparticles as nodes from which many new structures can be prepared. If one views a multielement nanoparticle as a collection of numerous smaller building blocks, which can be converted compositionally,...

Probing CO2 Reduction Chemistry under Operando Condition

Transition-metal single atom catalysts have been demonstrated as promising catalysts for selective electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR), however, neither the detailed structures of catalytic intermediates nor the key surface species have been unambiguously identified. In this work, a series of single transition-metal atom catalysts with...