Author: 공과대학 교학팀
Functional Amorphous Thin Films for Flexible/Stretchable Electronics
Most research on materials so far has focused on crystalline materials, and research on amorphous materials has been relatively limited. The main reasons for such background are that the overall expected performance is insufficient compared to crystalline and that it is difficult to predict the...
Ligand Design and Development for Photocatalysts Utilizing Earth-Abundant Transition Metal Complexes
Recently, the field of molecular photocatalysis and photochemistry using transition metal complexes has grown rapidly. In particular, one of the central research themes has been the development of efficient photocatalytic complexes based on earth-abundant metals as a potential eco-friendly, resource-efficient, and sustainable photochemical approach. The...
기질 및 성격 검사(TCI)
TCI(Temperament and Character Inventory) • 검사의 장점 : 기질과 성격을 구분하여 측정함으로써 인성 발달에 영향을 미친 유전적 영향과 환경적 영향을 구분하여 인성 발달 과정을 이해할 수 있게 됨. • 변화를 위한 개입 계획에서 어떤 점을 목표로 하는 것이 적절한지에 대한 정보를 제공함. • 개인이 어떤 기질을 타고 났으며 현재...
Integral Reactor
AI-Based Materials Discovery
The Era of Satellite Data for Climate applications
Electro-chemo-mechanical analysis of multiple intercalating electrode in all-solid-state batteries
In all solid-state batteries, the interface contact loss is one of the bottle necks that limits its applications. During cycling, the intercalation/deintercalation of Li ions causes the volume change of active materials. Due to the weak solid-solid contact, debonding tends to occur at solid electrolyte-cathode...