Author: 공과대학 교학팀
2023학년도 후기 대학원 프로그램 핸드북
2023학년도 전기 대학원 프로그램 핸드북
High Performance Fibres with Nanomaterials
2023 Learning By Doing 성과전시회 개최(2023.12.04~12.15)
2023 U-Challenge Festival 개최(2023.11.14.)
Avatar Modeling and Animation for VR and AR
Avatar Modeling and Animation for VR and AR Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and the metaverse are increasingly recognized as enduring media forms, transcending initial waves of hype and disillusionment. Central to the functionality of VR/AR applications is the virtual avatar, serving as a conduit...
2023년 공과대학 학생회 ‘공과대학에게 한마디’ 행사
Application of composite materials in shipbuilding and marine structures
Application of composite materials in shipbuilding and marine structures At MEPC 80(Maritime Environment Protection Committee), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) decided to increase the target to reduce carbon emissions for transportation ships from 50% to 100% and since then, various discussions have been taking place on reducing the weight...
Journey to find valuables from nasty gas through biocatalysis
The detrimental effects of the immense amount of carbon dioxide originating from fossil fuels have progressed beyond mere climate change to a global climate crisis. To address this problem, efforts to achieve what is colloquially known as "carbon neutrality"—aiming to suppress the net increase in...