Author: 공과대학 교학팀

2023 U-Challenge Festival(BTS 최종성과발표회) 개최(2023.11.14)

11월 14일(화), [BTS 실전문제연구팀] 연구성과를 공유하는 2023 제3회 U-챌린지페스티벌이 개최됩니다. AI 및 스마트팩토리, 미래형 모빌리티, 친환경에너지/탄소중립, 스마트헬스케어 연구분야에서 총 77개 성과부스가 전시되며, AICP와 URIP 프로그램도 함께 합니다. 이번 행사에서는 'UNIST 과학축제'로 체험부스와 이벤트, 푸드트럭 등 다양한 프로그램 및 상품을 준비하였으니 구성원분들의 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다.   [행사안내] l 행사명: 2023 제3회 U-챌린지페스티벌 l 일 시: 2023. 11. 14(화) 11:00~18:00 l   장 소: UNIST 실내체육관 및 야외광장 l   세부 프로그램: 첨부의 포스터 참조 l   문의: 공과대학...

Disruptive Sustainable Technologies for the Plastics and Fuels Industry

Biomass is the only practical low-carbon feedstock that can be used to produce non-fossil sustainable fuels, chemicals, and materials. Several attempts have been made to commercialize thermal-catalytic biomass valorization.  These approaches have not been commercialized because: 1) biomass is a distributed feedstock that has low...

Nano-manufacturing processes for reconstruction of tissue barriers and generation of uniform organoids

Stem cell technology has emerged as a powerful tool on the way to ultimate human health and it has been utilized in various biomedical fields  including regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and in vitro physiological model systems.  The key of stem cell technology is guiding the stem cells to have in vivo physiological cellular phenotype, functions, and behaviors.  Among the various approaches to guide the stem cell fate and behaviors, providing the in vivo-like microenvironments to the stem cells  based on the nano-/micro manufacturing processes has been highlighted as a promising method for the last decades. Though the nano-/micro- manufacturing processes have been greatly contributed to developing functional and biomimetic culture scaffolds, however, it is still difficult but desired to develop an advanced culture scaffold possessing in vivo-like complex microenvironments including biophysical, biochemical, and/or structural cues. We suggest several nano-manufacturing solutions to develop microphysiological scaffolds providing in vivo-like microenvironments to the stem cells by elaborately utilizing nanofibrous membranes.  The...