Author: 공과대학 교학팀

Selective Deconstruction of Polyolefin Waste to Hydrocarbons

Polyolefins, including polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), are among the most common single-use plastics consumed worldwide, and are also among the most pervasive in landfills and the environment. In this presentation I will show two avenues for the chemical recycling of polyolefin waste into hydrocarbons...

Development of NURI launch vehicle and cryogenics

The KSLV-II (Korea Space Launch Vehicle-II) Nuri launched on June 21st, 2022. The Nuri vehicle used kerosene as fuel and the cryogenic liquid oxygen as oxidant. The management cryogenic liquid oxygen is required during the development of the NURI. Such as leveling the liquid oxygen tank, natural circulation...

Accelerated Materials Developments using Machine Learning

Discovery of new molecules and materials with desired properties is a practical goal of chemical research. A promising way to significantly accelerate the latter process is to incorporate all available knowledge and data to plan the synthesis of the next materials. In this talk, I...

Nanoscale transport phenomena driven by solute or temperature difference

In this talk, I will present nanoscale transport phenomena driven by solute or temperature difference. Firstly, I will demonstrate that the liquid flow can be generated by various types of solutes within nanochannels. The underlying mechanism for interfacially driven flow is closely associated with the molecular interactions between...