Author: 공과대학 교학팀
Semiconductor Architectures: Nano-Scale Solutions for Macro-Scale Carbon Challenges
To limit global warming to well below 2°C within this century, we must reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Merely curbing fossil fuel consumption will not suffice, given the anticipated surge in global energy demand. While nuclear and renewable energy sources like photovoltaics are considered...
Interfacial engineering for advanced electrochemical devices
Interfacial engineering for advanced electrochemical devices Hee-Tak Kim Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST In recent decades, electrochemical devices, including batteries, fuel cells, and electrolysis, have made significant strides. However, their progress is often hindered by various interfacial problems that are challenging to identify and address. Space charges, double layer charges, charge transfer, and mass transport intricately influence the performance and durability of electrochemical devices. The complexity of interfaces and the limited means available for characterizing interface structures often result in unresolved or overlooked interfacial issues. This seminar emphasizes the importance of interfacial engineering and provides a fundamental understanding of electrode/electrode, electrolyte/electrolyte, and electrode/electrolyte interfaces. Based on this understanding, case studies are presented to demonstrate how to leverage this knowledge and control interface structures for designing advanced electrochemical devices....
원자력발전소 디지털 계측제어시스템
Interface Engineering for Improving Operational Stability of Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
Organic-inorganic hybrid halide perovskites have attracted significant R&D attention in the photovoltaic (PV) community as a competitive technology for future PV applications. The certified efficiency of single-junction perovskite solar cell (PSC) has reached 26%. Using molecules/structures based on bulky organic cations (e.g., butylammonium or phenethylammonium)...
다중 이동방식이 가능한 로봇
Key Words: 이동 로봇, 다중 이동방식 Abstract Numerous mobile robots specialize in one form of locomotion, whereas very few robots can perform complex locomotion tasks that combine multiple locomotion methods. A robot equipped with multiple locomotion mechanisms can not only traverse challenging environments where a single-modal locomotion robot can...