Author: 공과대학 교학팀

Switching Petroleum to Seaweeds: Macroalgae Biorefinery

To reduce carbon dioxide emissions, a major driver of today's worsening climate change, it is essential to decrease the use of fossil fuels. While coal and natural gas, primarily used for electric power generation, are being replaced through active technological development, biomass has emerged as...

Printable stretchable electroactive composites for soft electronics and energy devices

Stretchable and printable conductors play a crucial role in the design of soft electronics, textile electronics and the evolution of wearable technology. We established an extremely stretchable and printable conductor with high conductivity and durable stretching cycling through the incorporation of liquid metal. We extended...

Data-driven AI Control for Digitalized Chemical Process

The 4th Industrial Revolution & AI technologies are poised to bring transformative changes to numerous manufacturing fields, including chemical processes. In this seminar, we will explore the evolution of chemical manufacturing processes from the "Dynamics" point of view. With advancements in measurement, communication, and computing...

Roles of nanaerobic digestion in decarbonization

Global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050 from current 8.1 billion. The rising population will significantly increase our demand for resources such as food, feed, fuels, chemicals/materials with concomitant generation of large quantity of residues and wastes (water) along with greenhouse gases...