Author: 공과대학 교학팀

Open-source autonomous driving software and its research challenges

Open-source autonomous driving software and its research challenges   Recently, an open-source autonomous driving stack called Autoware has spread widely, and the number of Autoware-enabled vehicles is increasing. Autoware is currently being used in more than 30 vehicles in more than 20 countries by more than 100...

Beyond Biogas for Upcycling wastes and residues in a Bioeconomy Approach

Increasing climate challenges and increased population has pushed to solutions away from fossil resources and instead to renewable resources. Biomass is a renewable resource and can be used to substitute products from petrochemical processes. For many years biomass was seen as a potential resource for...

Design Strategies for Organic Semiconducting Materials for Various Organic Electronics

Design Strategies for Organic Semiconducting Materials for Various Organic Electronics   Over the past two decades, organic electronics, such as organic field-effect transistors, organic light emitting diodes, organic photovoltaic cells, and organic photodetectors have recently received significant attention for use in flexible low-cost electronics applications.  The molecular design of organic semiconductors is a useful strategy for high performance organic light emitting diode, organic thin film transistor, and organic solar cell because tailoring the molecular structures can dramatically tune the properties of the organic semiconductors. In this presentation, I will introduce the characteristics of the conjugated materials designed and synthesized for various organic electronics applications....

Detection technology of airborne bioagents for health and environment

This presentation explores bioaerosols, defined as airborne biological particulate matter containing a variety of allergens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, pollen, house dust mites, and dander. Bioaerosols can cause a variety of infectious and environmental diseases, including atopic dermatitis, opportunistic infections, SARS, novel influenza, and...