Author: 공과대학 교학팀

Principles of magnetic bearings and their applications to industrial machines

Active magnetic bearings are a mechatronic device which utilizes magnetic forces to levitate rotating shaft without mechanical contact. They enable higher speeds because of reduced losses. Also, the dynamics of the system can be adjusted by modifying the control law of magnetic bearings. In this...

Innovative adhesive platform biomaterial for tissue regeneration and drug delivery therapy

Adhesive Platform Biomaterials for Tissue Regenerative and Drug Delivery Therapeutics​   Hyung Joon Cha   Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology,  Pohang 37673, Korea E-mail:   Marine mussel adhesion is known to be mediated by adhesive proteins, which are secreted through the mussel byssus and have great potential as biologically and environmentally friendly adhesive biomaterials due to their biocompatibility and biodegradability. In addition, mussel adhesive proteins have strong adhesion ability even on wet and underwater surfaces due to their unique amino acid arrangements and composition. However, researches using the natural amino acid composition have been limited due to extreme difficulties in obtaining sufficient quantities of mussel adhesive proteins for practical applications and commercialization. Previously, we successfully produced redesigned mussel adhesive protein using a bacterial expression system and this bioengineered mussel adhesive protein showed significant adhesion ability and biocompatibility. In this talk, I will present our research team’s efforts on development and evaluation of mussel adhesive protein as an innovative adhesive biomaterial in diverse regenerative medicine and localized drug delivery....

Dynamic assembly of conducting nanomaterials in polymer

Dynamic assembly of conducting nanomaterials in polymer   Jiheong Kang (강지형 교수)   1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 34141, Korea *E-mail :   In this presentation, I will first show my approaches to designing mechanically tough yet dynamic polymer networks...

Geometrically Designed 3D Nanostructure for High Performance MEMS Devices

Geometrically Designed 3D Nanostructure for High Performance MEMS Devices Min-Ho Seo School of Biomedical Convergence Engineering, Pusan National University, Republic of Korea Recently, MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems), appropriate to demonstrate high performance sensors and actuators, has gain great interests in academia and industry, because it can be a key technology...

Quantum dots for mechanoluminescent and optoelectronic applications

Quantum Dots for Mechanoluminescent and Optoelectronic Applications   Hyosung Choi   Mechanoluminescence (ML), a novel process that converts mechanical momentum to light emission, has shown potential for sustainable future technologies. However, the lights emitted from classical ML materials have shown broad emission spectra and a limitation in the choice of colors so far, constraining the full-color implementation of ML. Herein, a quantum dot (QD)-in-mechanoluminescent matrix (QMM) architecture is introduced by simply incorporating QDs with the classical ML-active matrices, designed to utilize the sharp emission spectra of the QDs. The QMMs demonstrate dis-tinctive green and red lights identical to the emissions from the QDs through mechanical stimuli, achieving the purest ML reported to date. Furthermore, the deployments of the QDs allow the full-color implementation of ML covering a wide color gamut, as well as the demonstration of the purest white reported to date. Systematic investigations reveal that the ML operation in the QMM is governed according to the ML-stimulated photoluminescence (PL) mechanism, preventing energy or charge transfer processes. Moreover, the QMMs exhibit excellent stabilities upon environmental stresses and the patterned system is readily prepared, guaranteeing both robustness and easy processability of the system. This simple QMM strategy suggests practical insights for the development of powerless ML display and lighting systems.  ...

2023 BTS 실전문제연구팀 참여학생 모집(2차) 설명회 개최(2023.03.07)

✅2023 BTS 실전문제연구팀 참여학생 모집(2차) 설명회 - 일시: 2023.03.07(화) 18:00~20:00 - 장소: UNIST 학술정보관 1층 칼리유(CALIU) - 참여대상: 프로그램 참여희망 학생 누구나 *본 설명회는 (UNIST 교내/외 창업프로그램 통합설명회)와 함께 진행됩니다. *[EVENT] - 사전 신청자에 한하여 커피 및 다과제공 [사전신청]▶ -통합설명회 종료 후 참여신청 상담을 받으시는 분들께 선착순 BTS 실전문제연구팀 굿즈 제공! ✅BTS 통합홈페이지( [문제발굴형 프로그램] > [실전문제연구팀] >...