2023. 01. 19
Solar photo(electro)catalysis as a carbon-neutral technolgy for sustainable environment
Wonyong Choi
KENTECH Institute for Environmental and Climate Technology, Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH), Naju 58330, KOREA
Email: wchoi@kentech.ac.kr
The photoelectrochemical (PEC) and photocatalytic (PC) conversion systems that are based on photoinduced electron transfer on the semiconductor surface are being extensively investigated as a sustainable technology that can utilize solar energy for various energy and environmental applications. Efficient utilization of solar energy should provide ideal carbon-neutral solutions for sustainable environment. Metal oxides such as TiO2, WO3, and Fe2O3 and polymeric carbon nitride that consist of earth-abundant elements are the most practical base materials for solar PEC/PC conversion systems. The interfacial engineering of the semiconductor electrodes and nanoparticles can optimize the photoconversion reactions of diverse characteristics (e.g., degradation of pollutants, production of solar fuels and chemicals). In this talk, the developments of PEC/PC systems for sustainable purposes will be briefly introduced and discussed, which include the PEC synthesis of H2O2, photocatalytic air purification, photocatalytic denitrification, and PEC water treatment....