Author: 공과대학 교학팀
Nanomaterial based soft mechatronics
Electro-active soft actuators and bio-inspired artificial muscles have received burgeoning interest as essential components in future electronic devices such as soft haptic-feedback systems, human-friendly wearable electronics, and active biomedical devices. However, for more practical applications, important challenging issues including fast response time, ultra-low input power,...
2022년 2학기 공과대학 중간고사 간식행사 개최 (2022.10.17.)
2022년 2학기 공과대학 중간고사 간식행사 개최(2022.10.17.)
Nanoscale Interfacial Engineering for High Performance Light Emitting Devices and Solar Fuel Generation
Title: Nanoscale Interfacial Engineering for High Performance Light Emitting Devices and Solar Fuel Generation The flow of light can be controlled through the size and shape of the nanostructure. When nanostructures are made on the surface of solar cells, only the light of the desired wavelength...
Microfluidic Flow Reactors as New Synthetic Chemical Tools
Microfluidic Flow Reactors as New Synthetic Chemical Tools Dong-Pyo Kim, Yonsan Chaired Professor Department of Chemical Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea Flow chemistry in the confined microfluidic space at submillimeter scale is attractive owing to inherent advantages such as efficient heat transfer and rapid mixing, enabling greater control...
2022 BTS 실전문제연구팀 사업단 중간교류회(2022.09.26.)
Status on the PIE facilities and path-forward
Drop impact on superhydrophobic surfaces: fundamentals and applications
When a water drop is impinged upon superhydrophobic surfaces, various interesting physical phenomena can occur depending on physical structures on the surfaces. In this talk, I will focus on two phenomena during drop impact: the contact time between the drop and the surface and the...