Author: 공과대학 교학팀

Technologies for Improving the Sustainability of the Plastics Industry

Joint Session with the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering   In this presentation I will discuss different approaches to improve the sustainability of the plastics industry that the Huber group has worked on. The Center for Upcycling of Waste Plastics ( is developing the scientific,...

Technologies for Improving the Sustainability of the Plastics Industry

In this presentation I will discuss different approaches to improve the sustainability of the plastics industry that the Huber group has worked on. The Center for Upcycling of Waste Plastics ( is developing the scientific, engineering, and economic information that will enable the chemical recycling...

Mechanochemistry for sustainable applications

Conventional reactions are mostly driven by heat, light, and electricity to overcome activation barriers. They are named as thermochemistry, photochemistry, and electrochemistry, respectively. Likewise, chemical reactions induced by mechanical actions, such as abrasion, friction, cracking, colliding, and so on, are defined as mechanochemistry. The most...

재난관리체계와 재난 및 안전관리기본법

지구환경도시건설공학과 콜로퀴움(세미나) 안내 1) 일시: 9.26.(목), 오후 4시 2) 장소: 110동 N101호 3) 연사: 국립재난안전연구원 오금호 원장 (호스트: 정지범 교수님) 4) 주제: 재난관리체계와 재난 및 안전관리기본법...