Author: 공과대학 교학팀
Theoretical analysis on the chemical principles of atomic layer deposition processes
Theoretical Understanding on the Chemical Principles of Atomic Layer Deposition Bonggeun Shong Chemical Engineering, Hongik University Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a vapor phase thin film deposition technique based on sequential, self-limiting surface reactions. Through ALD, exceptional conformality on high-aspect ratio structures, thickness control at the Angstrom level,...
Gyrokinetic Validation Study Using KSTAR Plasmas
Soft Interfaces: From Microfluidics to Kitchen
Abstract Living matter, from plants and animal cells, comprises complex materials with various phases and interfaces. A close look at how these soft interfaces arise and form certain shapes with functions will not only deepen our understanding of nature but also inspire the design and engineering of materials for novel applications. In this talk, I will first introduce hydrodynamic synchronization, which can be observed in swimming organisms, and explain how hydrodynamically interacting fluid-fluid interfaces can act as coupled oscillators leading to the discovery of a synchronized droplet generation. Second, I will present methods to fabricate nature-inspired shapes of microstructure to provide multifunctionality to the material, such as wrinkles on curved surfaces and multi-compartment microfibers, by exploiting oil-water interfaces. Lastly, I will investigate biological cells as soft matter to study the dependence of their motility on the geometry of cells and confinements as in complex tissue environments. We can even use materials found in our kitchen to understand the physicochemical roles of complex fluids in determining the shapes and motility of nature. My ultimate research goal in soft interfaces is to apply the knowledge from complex fluids experiments to emerging technologies of biomedical applications....
Bi-directional neural interfacing & electroceuticals based on flexible electronic devices for treating neurological disorders
Realizing a clinical-grade electronic medicine for peripheral nerve disorders is challenging owing to the lack of rational material design that mimics the dynamic mechanical nature of peripheral nerves. Specifically, long-term stability of devices interfacing peripheral nerves is challenging, since dynamic mechanical deformations in peripheral nerves...
Novel Approaches for Emerging Rechargeable Batteries
Novel Approaches for Emerging Rechargeable Batteries Jang Wook Choi (최장욱) School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea *e-mail address ( Although Li-ion batteries have been successful in various applications, their shortcomings with regard to high cost and global maldistribution of raw materials, as well as safety concerns have promoted alternative rechargeable batteries based on other carrier ions represented by sodium and magnesium ions, targeting grid-scale energy storage systems (ESSs). However, many electrode materials in these emerging systems often suffer from sluggish kinetics due to the larger size or bivalency of carrier ions, limiting electrochemical performance particular in specific capacity and operation voltage. In this talk, I will introduce a new approach of engaging intercalated water in layered cathode materials. The intercalated water improves the performance of the given materials substantially by shielding electrostatic interactions or maintaining the crystal frameworks over repeated cycles. Detailed effects of intercalated water will also be described, along with promising potentials towards aqueous operations. I will also briefly introduce recent studies on zinc metal electrodes in light of managing surface side reactions including hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). ...
고효율 뉴로모픽 컴퓨팅 기술을 위한 이온형 멤리스터 소자
2022년도 BTS 실전문제연구팀 운영 안내 (2022.02.17.)
2022 BTS 실전문제 연구팀 육성 사업이란? 학생들이 지도교수 및 산업체 전문가의 지도(자문) 하에서 실제 산업 현장의 과학기술적 문제를 해결하기 위한 연구팀 활동을 자기 주도적으로 수행함으로써, 학생 스스로 창의성과 문제해결 능력을 키워나갈 수 있도록 지원하는 사업* * 본 사업은 한국연구재단(과힉정통부) 미래선도인재양성사업의 사업비 일부를 지원받아 진행함 □ 활동방식 ㅇ 팀장 1인과...