Author: 공과대학 교학팀
2024학년도 후기 대학원 신입생 안내자료
2024학년도 후기 대학원 프로그램 핸드북
Introducing Molten Salt Reactor
This seminar explores the engineering innovations and future potential of Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs), a promising Generation IV nuclear technology that offers numerous improvements over traditional reactors. MSRs utilize a fluid state mixtures of nuclear fuel dissolved in molten salts, which functions as both coolant...
Introduction to Medical Physics
2024년 공과대학 학생회 비상대책위원회: 스승의 날 행사(2024.05.13.~14.)
공과대학 학생회 비상대책위원회에서 스승의 날 행사를 아래와 같이 진행합니다. 일시: 2024.05.13.(월)~14.(화) 11:30~13:00 대상: 공과대학 재학생(학부생) 장소: 월- 203동 학생회관, 화- 104동&110동 1층 ...
Challenge for change : Organic materials for next-generation batteries
The development of battery technology plays a crucial role in advancing electric vehicles and energy storage systems. With Korea's declining global battery market share, there's an urgent need for researchers to strengthen future market competitiveness. In a landscape where China dominates the entire cycle, from...