Author: 공과대학 교학팀
2024. 05. 08
Soft Sensors and Electronics for Human-Machine Interfaces and Advanced Healthcare
Abstract: In this talk, Dr. Yeo will share the basic scientific study of integrated soft sensors and electronics in both wearable and implantable configurations. He will talk about the limitations of the existing biomedical systems used in continuous health monitoring, persistent human-machine interfaces, and disease...
2024. 03. 05
Efficient, Stable and Scalable Perovskite Solar Cells
Since 2009, power conversion efficiencies (PCE) of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) has rising from the initial 3.8% to the state-of-the-art 26.1% within over the past 15 years. Most highly efficient PSCs utilize an n-type layer of mesoporous titanium dioxide or tin oxide in an n-i-p...
2024. 04. 11
2024년 공과대학 학생회 비상대책위원회: 중간고사 간식행사(2024.04.11.)
공과대학 학생회 비상대책위원회에서 중간고사 간식행사를 아래와 같이 진행합니다. 일시: 2024.04.11.(목) 12:00 장소: UNIST 학생회관 앞(203동) 대상: 공과대학 재학생(학부생) ...
2024. 03. 20
2023학년도 2학기 공과대학 학장상(Dean’s list) 시상식
2024. 03. 07