Advances and challenges in understanding electrocatalytic reduction of CO2

2022-04-05 16:00:00
Mechanical Engineering
Zoom 890 0094 0568
Prof. Marc Koper (Lieden Univ.)

Advances and challenges in understanding the electrocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide to fuels

Marc T.M. Koper*
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands

The electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide is a promising approach for storing (excess) renewable electricity as chemical energy in fuels. Here, I will discuss recent advances and challenges in the understanding of electrochemical CO2 reduction. I will summarize existing models for the initial activation of CO2 on the electrocatalyst and their importance for understanding selectivity. Carbon–carbon bond formation is also a key mechanistic step in CO2 electroreduction to high-density and high-value fuels. I will show that both the initial CO2 activation and C–C bond formation are influenced by an intricate interplay between surface structure (both on the nano- and on the mesoscale), electrolyte effects (pH, buffer strength, ion effects) and mass transport conditions. This complex interplay is currently still far from being completely understood.

Keywords: electrocatalysis, CO2 reduction

Y.Y.Birdja, E.Perez-Gallent, M.C.Figueiredo, A.J.Göttle, F.Calle-Vallejo, M.T.M.Koper, Nature Energy 4 (2019) 732-745