2023.06.13JooHyeon HeoResearch Researchers Develop Highly Efficient and Stable Photoelectrode for Water Splitting Using Organic Semiconductors Their findings have been selected for the supplementary cover of ACS Energy Letters and published on June 9, 2023.
2023.06.12JooHyeon HeoResearch Researchers Unveil Fully Inkjet-printed Large-scale Photoelectrodes Their work has been selected for the cover feature of the May 2023 issue of Joule, a renowned journal published by Cell Press.
2023.06.05JooHyeon HeoPeople [Short News] Recent Awards and Achievements at UNIST Professor Jungho Im's research team honored for scientific achievements and contributions.
2023.06.05JooHyeon HeoResearch Engineering the Local Atomic Configuration in 2H TMDs for Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution The study findings have been published ahead of their official publication in the online version of ACS Nano on May 15, 2023.
2023.06.02JooHyeon HeoResearch Breakthrough in Easily Detachable Adhesive at High Temperatures Their findings have been published in the May 2023 issue of Materials Horizons, a renowned journal published by Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
2023.06.01JooHyeon HeoResearch New Study Unveils Nanocrystal Shines On and Off Indefinitely Their findings have been published in the May 2023 issue of Nature.
2023.05.18JooHyeon HeoResearch Revealing the Dual-Layered Solid Electrolyte Interphase on Lithium-Metal Anodes via Cryo-EM Their findings have been published in the April 2023 issue of ACS Energy Letters.
2023.05.16JooHyeon HeoResearch Disentangling the Mechanisms of Equatorial Pacific Climate Change Their findings have been published in the May 2023 issue of Science Advances.
2023.05.15JooHyeon HeoPeople UNIST Alumni Apprised of His Appointment to Professorship Kyung Mo Kim has been appointed to a faculty position within the Department of Energy Engineering at KENTECH.
2023.05.05JooHyeon HeoResearch Double-Floating-Gate vdW Transistor for High-Precision Synaptic Operations Their findings have been published in the April 2023 issue of ACS Nano.