2020.08.20JooHyeon HeoResearch UNIST Embarks on Development of Next-generation EV Batteries! UNIST partners with PKNU and Chosun University to develop the next-generation of batteries for EVs.
2020.06.19JooHyeon HeoCommunity Contribution, News UNIST Promotes Research Cooperation for Rehabilitation of People with Speical Needs The MoU signing ceremony between UNIST and Ulsan Metropolitan City 2nd Special Needs Gymnasium took place on June 18, 2020.
2019.12.27JooHyeon HeoResearch Dynamic Transport Control of Colloidal Particles by Repeatable Active Switching of Solute Gradients Their findings have been published in ACS Nano on October 10, 2019.
2019.09.26JooHyeon HeoResearch UNIST Partners with KAI to Develop Aircraft Composite Parts Professor Young-Bin Park and Professor Wooseok Ji will receive KRW 10 billion in research funding over the 5 year period.
2019.08.17JooHyeon HeoResearch Form as Casting Templates for Simple and Low-cost Nanopatterning Their findings have been published in Nature Communications on July 19, 2019.
2019.03.20JooHyeon HeoNews Haeorum Alliance Establishes Innovation Platform to Improve Nuclear Safety The 2019 Annual Performance Review Meeting was held at UNIST on March 15, 2019.
2019.01.25JooHyeon HeoResearch UNIST Presents Seaweed-inspired New Antifouling Materials Their study has been published and featured on the cover of the January 2019 edition of ACS Macro Letters.
2018.10.02JooHyeon HeoNews Opening of Haeorum Alliance Nuclear Innovation Center The signboard-hanging ceremony was held to celebrate the opening of Haeorum Alliance Nuclear Innovation Center on October 2, 2018.
2017.09.26JooHyeon HeoNews Expert Workshop on Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants Workshop aims to develop fundamental technologies for the safe decomissioning of nuclear power plants.
2017.05.31JooHyeon HeoNews UNIST and ABE Yoich Sign Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreement UNIST will cooperate with Japan on cleanup and dismantling of commercial nuclear power plants.