Department Seminar

Date Department Title Attach
2023-10 05
Civil Urban Earth and Environmental Engineering Development of functional construction materials incorporating numerical techniques
16:00 Bldg.110 Rm.N101 Sang-Yeop Chung (Associate professor from Yonsei Univ.)
2023-10 04
Graduate School of Carbon Neutrality Semiconductor Architectures: Nano-Scale Solutions for Macro-Scale Carbon Challenges
16:00 ZOOM Webinar Prashant V. Kamat (University of Notre Dame)
2023-09 26
Energy and Chemical Engineering Interfacial engineering for advanced electrochemical devices
16:00 Bldg 104-E206 Prof. Hee-Tak Kim
2023-09 26
Nuclear Engineering Instrumentation and Control System in Nuclear Power Plant(원자력발전소 디지털 계측제어시스템)
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Seo-ryong Koo(KAERI)
2023-09 21
Graduate School of Carbon Neutrality Interface Engineering for Improving Operational Stability of Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
16:00 ZOOM Webinar Kai Zhu (NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory))
2023-09 21
Materials Science and Engineering Introduction to evaluation technology development for design and manufacture of liquid hydrogen storage vessels
16:00 104-E206 Dr. Seung Gun Lee(KIMS)
2023-09 21
Civil Urban Earth and Environmental Engineering What are the Causes of Local City Crisis in Korea? An Inside View
10:00 Bldg.110 Rm.901 Prof. Juil Kim (Handong Gloabl Univ.)
2023-09 19
Nuclear Engineering Advantages of mathematical models of thermal hydraulics: two cases
16:00 110-N101 Prof. Jae Jun Jeong(Pusan National Univ.)
2023-09 14
Graduate School of Carbon Neutrality Beyond Biogas for Upcycling wastes and residues in a Bioeconomy Approach
16:00 ZOOM Webinar Irini Angelidaki (Technical University of Denmark)
2023-09 14
Materials Science and Engineering Introduction to Spintronics
16:00 104-E206 Dr. Kyoung Whan Kim(KIST)
2023-09 14
Urban And Environmental Engineering Does Upzoning Lead to Gentrificaiton and Displacement? Evidence from New York City
16:00 Online Prof. Hyojung Lee
2023-09 12
Energy and Chemical Engineering Design Strategies for Organic Semiconducting Materials for Various Organic Electronics
16:00 Bldg 104-E206 Prof. Yun-Hi Kim
2023-09 12
Nuclear Engineering Radiation, radioactivity, and radiological impact of Fukushima accident and its treated water
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Sungyeop Kim(KAERI)
2023-09 07
Materials Science and Engineering Quantum Dot LEDs for interactive display applications
16:00 104-E206 Prof. Dong Chan Kim(Gachon University)
2023-09 07
Urban And Environmental Engineering Contruction technology in the ocean
16:00 Bldg.110 Rm.N101 Dr. Jun Kil Park (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)