Department Seminar

Date Department Title Attach
2023-04 11
Energy and Chemical Engineering Paths to realistic lignin valorization to biofuels and bioproducts
16:00 Bldg 104-E206 Dr. Gregg T. Beckham
2023-04 11
Nuclear Engineering Positron Emission Tomography (PET) tracing of microplastic distribution
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Kim, Jin Su(Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences)
2023-04 07
Nuclear Engineering Coevolution of physicians and medical Imaging AI system via Bayesian uncertainty estimation
10:30 110-U207-7 DR. Cha, Yujin(KAIST)
2023-04 06
Urban And Environmental Engineering 대기환경감시를 위한 항공/우주급 초분광영상기 소개
16:00 Bldg.110 Rm.N101 Ko, Daiho (Principal researcher, KARI)
2023-04 05
Graduate School of Carbon Neutrality Overview of the Demonstration Project for CO2 Storage in the East Sea Gas Field
16:00 Bldg 104-E101 Dr. HoSeob Lee (Korea National Oil Corporation)
2023-04 04
Nuclear Engineering 중수로 사고해석 안전연구 최근 현황
16:00 110-N101 Dr, Yu Seon Oh(Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
2023-03 30
Materials Science and Engineering Rare-earth free/lean permanent magnets and their applications
16:00 104-E206 Dr. Jihoon Park (Korea Institute of Materials Science)
2023-03 28
Energy and Chemical Engineering Growth and Applications of Hexagonal Boron Nitiride
16:00 Bldg 104-E206 Prof. Hyun Suk Shin
2023-03 28
Nuclear Engineering Physical mechanism of turbulence suppression by fast ions in the Fast Ion Regulated Enhancement (FIRE) plasmas
16:00 Online (ZOOM ID: 716 400 9084) Prof. Sung, Choongki(KAIST)
2023-03 23
Urban And Environmental Engineering Sea ice emissivity and emitting layer temperature over the Arctic Ocean for assimilating surface-sensitive microwave channels
16:00 Bldg.110 Rm.N101 Sohn, Byung-Ju (Emeritus Professor, Seoul National University)
2023-03 23
Materials Science and Engineering ALD Based Synthesis and Applications of Nanomaterials and Other Related Emerging Materials
16:00 104-E206 Prof. Hyungjun Kim (Yonsei University)
2023-03 23
Graduate School of Carbon Neutrality Polymer Dots for Photocatalysis
16:00 Bldg 104-E101 Prof. Haining Tian
2023-03 21
Energy and Chemical Engineering Polymeric Materials for Energy Storage Applications
16:00 Bldg 104-E206 Prof. Soojin Park(POSTECH)
2023-03 21
Nuclear Engineering ITER plasma operational space and scenarios
16:00 Online (ZOOM ID: 716 400 9084) Dr. Kim, Sun Hee(ITER Organization, France)
2023-03 17
Urban And Environmental Engineering Occurrence, detection, and distribution of microplastic and -associated ARGs in the Upper Region of Han River
16:00 Bldg.110 Rm.N101 Cho, Si-Kyung (Associate Professor, Dongguk University)