Department Seminar

Date Department Title Attach
2022-03 29
Energy and Chemical Engineering Novel Approaches for Emerging Rechargeable Batteries
16:00 Zoom 890 0094 0568 Prof. Jang Wook Choi (Seoul National University)
2022-03 24
Materials Science and Engineering Recent advancements in the synthesis of carbon nanotubes
16:00 104-E205 Jaegeun Lee (Professor, Pusan National University)
2022-03 24
Mechanical Engineering High-fidelity Flow Simulation for Turbomachinery
16:00 Zoom 899 4597 0114 Prof. Jin Lee (Dong-A University)
2022-03 22
Urban And Environmental Engineering Status of the microbial CO2 electrobiorefinery and related challenging issues
16:00 Online(zoom) Soo Youn Lee(KIER)
2022-03 21
Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Energy Policy
16:00 110-N101 Min, Byungjoo
2022-03 21
Materials Science and Engineering 강유전체/다강체 기반 뉴로모픽 소자
14:00 105동 E206호 유니스트 신소재공학과 담당교수님
2022-03 17
Mechanical Engineering Data-driven reduced-order model for efficient prediction of structural dynamics
16:00 Bldg 110-N101 Prof. Haesung Cho (Jeonbuk National University)
2022-03 17
Materials Science and Engineering Microscopic investigation of model catalyst systems using STM: from a single molecule to nanostructures
16:00 104-E205 Hyunjin Yang (Senior Researcher, LG Energy Solution)
2022-03 17
Urban And Environmental Engineering Applications in Coastal and Forest Environment through Satellites and Aircrafts
16:00 Bldg104, Room E101 Wonkook Kim(Pusan National University)
2021-11 16
Energy and Chemical Engineering 에너지화학공학과 2021 우수논문 대학원생 시상식 개최(11.16)
16:00 104동 E206호 유니스트 에너지화학공학과 및 공과대학 교학행정실
2022-03 15
Energy and Chemical Engineering Direct Observation and Control of Atomic-Scale Defects in  Energy Materials
16:00 Zoom 890 0094 0568 Prof. Sung-Yoon Chung (KAIST)
2022-03 10
Mechanical Engineering Development and commercialization of power facility diagnosis technology
16:00 Zoom 899 4597 0114 Dr. Joon-Young Park (KEPCO Research Institute)
2022-03 10
Urban And Environmental Engineering 지구를 위한다는 착각 생분해 플라스틱과 그린워싱
16:00 Online(zoom) Myung Jaewook(KAIST)
2022-03 10
Materials Science and Engineering 3D printing of smart materials for smart structures using laser powder bed fusion of Fe-based shape memory alloy
16:00 104-E205 Professor, Wookjin Lee (Pusan National University)
2022-03 07
Nuclear Engineering Marine Reactor, Lead-cooled Fast Reactor
16:00 110-N101 Hwang, Ilsoon